Berehomet dendrological park was founded by Mykola Vasylko (a deputy of the Austrian Parliament in Vienna from Bukovyna) in 1890. Although today this monument of topiary art looks unkept it’s still unique. The territory of the park is one hectare and includes 54 tree and bush species. The pearl of the park are two trees of golden pseudomodrinia naturally growing only in the delta of the Chang Jiang river in China. This is the only place in Ukraine where these rare exotic plants grow. Another unique natural artifact is the Japanese Ginkgo biloba tree. This is an ancient tree species which remembers the dinosaur era. Now the park has three Ginkgo trees. Fans of green nature will also notice the relict European yew (Taxus baccata), camphor baccata and common hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). But the most notable decoration of the park is the tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera).

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